Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Paris: Archetypes, Icons, Idolatry

An impassioned discussion has arisen around the world over a part of the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics last weekend. One of the staged scenes along the Seine where the athletes of each nation were being ferried to the stadium included a line of drag performers posing shoulder-to-shoulder on a bridge before turning it into a fashion-forward catwalk. Later, those same actors celebrated over a meal where the dish was revealed to be a nearly nude man painted blue.

It was a scene that left a lot of viewers puzzled. Ceremony designer Thomas Jolly explained on the official Olympics Games X account that it was an “interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus” that “makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings.” [Stephanie Kaloi, Paris Olympics Producers Say ‘The Last Supper’ Inspired That Opening Ceremony Scene: ‘Many Have Done It Before,’ The Wrap, July 28, 2024, found at

In all honesty, even that explanation still left a lot of us puzzled.

A Lot of Us Saw the Similarities

I have to admit that when I first saw the scene, I immediately thought it looked awfully similar to Da Vinci’s Last Supper. Unlike the famous masterpiece that more resembles a staged class photo than a meal, this was a live tableau that included drag queens and actors posing as characters from Greek mythology. But the resemblance was enough to stop me in my tracks, wondering what in the world these folks were doing and what it had to do with the Olympics.

Clearly, I was not the only one who saw that resemblance. Christian conservatives around the world beginning with Catholic prelates in France almost immediately began objecting to what they saw as profanation of a sacred icon. Predictably, some employed the tired “God is not mocked” meme preferred by fundamentalists which inevitably exposes an unconscious idolatry confusing a given human depiction of the Holy with the Holy itself.


Leonardo Da Vinci, Last Supper, c. 1495–1498

As is my habit, when I encounter a controversy like this, I research it. My goal is to try to understand what I am seeing rather than coming to a quick judgment. Most debated issues have more than one angle to be considered and sometimes, though not always, the truth lies somewhere between opposing sides, each of which believe only they could possibly be right.

Given the reference to Greek mythology by the creators of this scene, I spent some time uncovering some of the classical Greek images that may have inspired the French display. Along the way, I discovered an angle I had not considered before.

Leonardo Da Vinci painted The Last Supper as a mural on the wall above the refectory of the Dominican convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. He is often described as a polymath, a human being talented in a wide range of skills and, in Da Vinci’s case, curious about a wide range of aspects of the world in which he lived.

He was also a man of his times, the Italian Renaissance, which sought to simultaneously revive the classical virtues of the Greek and Roman eras as well as to combine those virtues with a Christianity just emerging from both the highly cognitive scholasticism of the elite as well as the common superstitions of the Middle Ages. Da Vinci was adept at portraying images from Greek mythology, some of which he produced for paying patrons. Many of these images would influence the Christian imagery he would create.

Archetypes Expressed Through Cultural Lenses

That’s hardly surprising.

Carl Jung spoke of a collective unconscious in which all human beings share from which archetypal imagery that has spoken to humanity over time has emerged. While archetypes essentially remain the same over time, they are expressed through the lens of the cultures in which they appear. For example, the archetype of the holy Mother and sacred child has appeared in images beloved around the world: Guan Yin, bodhisattva of compassion in Asia, Isis and Horus in ancient Egypt and the Madonna in Christian cultures. And the archetype of the sacred feast has appeared in a number of forms as well.


It had not initially occurred to me as I mused over this controversy that Da Vinci may well have portrayed the Last Supper using an archetype of a sacred feast he borrowed from classical Greek and Roman imagery. And given the fact so many of us almost immediately identified the French display - whose creators insisted was inspired by Greek mythology - with Da Vinci’s masterpiece, that seems quite likely.

Banquet of the Gods. 1840. Carlo Bellosio. Italian 1801-1849. oil/canvas. 

Of course, there have been many other depictions of that sacred feast over time. They range from the earliest visions of the Last Supper in the 6th CE mosaic at Ravenna that probably reflected the actual event with disciples reclining on the floor and Jesus at one end of the table rather than in the center, to the 16th CE tavern scene by Tintoretto where the smoke of the oil lamps above the heads of the bar maids and feasters morphed into angels overhead. That’s one of my favorites.    

At some level it’s not surprising to me that neither I nor many of my fellow Americans immediately recognized the connection to the Greek mythological elements in this display. Unlike many public systems in Europe including France, cultural richness and depth has never been emphasized in American education which tends to be focused on the functional training of workers. My own cultural education came by virtue of having taught interdisciplinary humanities courses for 20 years at the college level. With an undergraduate degree in history, a law degree and a masters of divinity, I had to learn on the run as I taught about new ideas and images that I was discovering along with my students.

But that hard work paid off. I have lived a much richer life as a result. And thus I had an entry point into the research I conducted after the initial outcries over the events in Paris. For that I am grateful even as I see this as a wakeup call for American education. Sadly, I think that is unlikely to happen anytime soon in this age of book banning and historical revision to prevent the beneficiaries of our society from ever feeling uncomfortable.


Questions We Must Ask Ourselves

All of this has led me to a questioning of myself and others who leapt to the conclusion that this scene in the opening ceremonies was somehow a profane adaptation of Da Vinci’s Last Supper. I began to wonder what would make me and others presume that it was our vision of this archetype that was being displayed? Why would it be about us? That’s more than a little egocentric. The fact that Da Vinci’s vision is the expression of this archetype that is most familiar to us does not somehow mean that all other sources are somehow automatically excluded.

That, in turn, led me to another question. Why would we presume that the French designers of the opening ceremonies of the world’s games had somehow been intent on disrespecting the world’s largest religion and 30% of the world’s living souls? What would prompt us to engage in this kind of self-focused persecutorial thinking? Why would we be so special that the designers of one of the few gatherings of peoples from around the globe would use this occasion to dis us? That’s more than a little paranoid.

I must admit that I do not have the answers to those questions. But I think they are questions we Christians must ask ourselves. The notion that an infinite G-d who is the source of all that exists is somehow worried about being “mocked” by finite human beings is not terribly credible.

Clearly, defending public perceptions of ourselves is a very human preoccupation, particularly for those of us with brittle facades and fragile egos. But why would an infinite G_d who lies beyond all human conceptions require finite human agents to protect the divine reputation? At what point do our concerns move from the sacred - toward which all true icons point - to the image itself? And at what point in this often unconscious move do we lapse into an unrecognized idolatry, the worship of the works of our own hands and imaginations?

The Olympics committee realized in retrospect that its presentation had offended many people. While that was probably not its aim, it was one of the results. So, it was appropriate that they offered an apology. More importantly it is important that they learn from this experience. Errors are essential to healthy human beings capable of and willing to learn from them. Often, our mistakes are our greatest teachers.

But that also applies to those of us who found ourselves engaging in knee jerk, pearl clutching reactions to this display as well. This is a reality check for us.  We need to be aware of our tendencies to jump to conclusions – here wrongfully – and to presume that everything is about us. 

More importantly, we need to be aware of how presuming the bad faith and malevolent intentions of others frames the way we see the world in incredibly deleterious ways.  In a time when humanity is perhaps more polarized than it has ever been, even as we face a potential extinction event in anthropogenic climate change, we simply do not have the luxury of indulging such negative, deterministic presumptions. As Benjamin Franklin so pointedly observed during the American Revolution, "Gentlemen, we must all hang together or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." 

May those with ears hear. 


 Harry Scott Coverston

 Orlando, Florida

 If the unexamined life is not worth living, surely an unexamined belief system, be it religious or political, is not worth holding. Most things worth considering do not come in sound bites.

Those who believe religion and politics aren't connected don't understand either. – Mahatma Gandhi

For what does G-d require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your G-d?  - Micah 6:8, Hebrew Scriptures

Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Wisdom of the Jewish Sages (1993)

   © Harry Coverston, 2024


Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Sadly, My Juvies Were Right

One of the most deeply impactful experiences of my life was my five years spent in practice representing juvenile clients charged with crimes. The first two years I spent as a public defender. The last three years while in private practice our firm took primarily court appointed cases. I represented both juvenile delinquents as well as dependent children (those who were abused, abandoned, neglected, habitually truant or ungovernable – amazing how readily that still rolls off my tongue all these years later) who violated court orders placing them in foster care, most by simply running away.

“Junior Slime Balls”

I learned a lot from my clients, no small irony since the point of the juvenile justice system, as it self-servingly referenced itself, was to try to rehabilitate minors who had run afoul of the law. A good part of that rehabilitative effort was the counsel we offered them to help them stay out of trouble. In essence our advice was that if they simply followed the rules, they’d avoid future run-ins with the establishment. 


But, over time, I came to see that the establishment was not terribly interested in their rehabilitation, their reconciliation with the individuals they had harmed or their restoration to their communities. The prosecutor who announced in a pre-trial hearing one Friday morning that all of these juveniles were “nothing but junior slime balls waiting for a chance to show us their worst” signaled to me that for most of the agents I worked with, the juvenile system was little more than a waiting room for the adult penal system.

That became clearer to me over my time in practice. The defunding of rehabilitative services often prompted judges, terrified that they’d be seen as soft on crime in the next election, to focus on assuring the electorate that they were keeping the community safe. This resulted in more severe sentences often involving placement at the dreaded Dozier School for Boys. My juvies knew the rumors that boys went into the school never to return, rumors that have since become substantiated by the 55 human remains found on site there by recent excavations. As one of the victims stated when the Florida legislature approved $20M in reparations to those who survived Dozier, ‘This is the proof that we were telling the truth.”

We should have listened to them.

Worse yet, with the defunding of rehabilitative services for juveniles, the state felt justified in trying juveniles as adults. Before I finished my time at juvie, I would participate in the defense of three young men accused of murder then looking at Florida’s electric chair. The oldest of them was 17. Even the conservative SCOTUS would finally rule that the practice of bloodthirsty states killing their juvenile offenders was cruel and unusual. But had it been left up to Florida, that would never have happened.

I Realized I Was Part of the Problem

Eventually I would come to the conclusion that the system I had served – naively presuming that it could be called to live into its own stated ideals - was simply intractable. If anything, it was headed in the direction of becoming more punitive and less just, particularly as it involved juveniles.

Worse yet, I came to the conclusion that my presence in that system and my own tireless work on behalf of my clients lent the impression that the system worked, my clients had received the constitutionally required legal representation. Thus, those subjected to the power of the system had received justice, the implication being that they somehow deserved whatever we wanted to do to them. This, of course, did not account for the heavy stacking of the letter of the law and the legal system against the poor not the least of which was the disparate funding of the public defenders vis-à-vis the state’s attorneys offices and the staggering case load public defenders were required to carry at any given time.

It was a minimalist meeting of the requirement of the Sixth Amendment on a good day.  And in the end, I decided that as a beneficiary of that system, I was a part of the problem by helping maintain it. I left the practice of law to become a priest and an academic. But I took my stories with me seeking venues for their telling which could hopefully make the difference on the intractable system that I was unable to make as an attorney. My writing is one of those venues.

My juvenile clients had told me from the beginning that they felt the system was stacked against them, particularly those who were brown and Black. Between their poverty and their ethnicity, they began life with two strikes against them. By the time they got to me, they would demonstrate major educational deficiencies, psychiatric disturbances and in many cases, substance abuse, all of which I would have had tested and dutifully documented for pre-sentencing reports, virtually none of which the state had funded programs to address those rehabilitative needs.

At one sentencing when I objected to the judge’s sentence of my client to Dozier, noting that it was unlikely that any of his clearly demonstrated rehabilitative needs would be addressed by that sentence, he simply said to me, “Well, Mr. Coverston, there are no programs to meet those needs. What would you like me to do with him?” Somehow the state’s legal obligations to its citizens had become the defense attorney’s job since we obviously had nothing else to do. 


[Source: Miami Herald]

 I tried hard to dissuade my young clients that their cynicism vis-à-vis the system they faced was a helpful response. Before the scales fell from my eyes, I was an idealist, reminding the state agencies I confronted in the courtroom of the In RE: Gault decision that demanded juveniles be treated differently from adults and reading the agents of the state the provisions of Florida Statues and its administrative code spelling out their duties, which I inevitably followed with the question: “So where has the state met its duty here?”

I wanted to believe that the system could work. And I wanted my clients to make that sharp right hand turn away from criminality and into productive roles in their communities. I believed in redemption. And I believed in restorative justice. But over the years, I, too, became cynical. And increasingly I came to think that perhaps my juvies were right.

Impunity, American Style  

This week, a SCOTUS decision granted a former President charged with multiple crimes both an immunity that will make some of his more egregious crimes go away (much like he did with convicted felons Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Mike Flynn) and delay any pending prosecutions until after an election that could restore his access to what is now nearly absolute power in the light of this decision. The chances are that this convicted felon will then attempt to pardon himself should he gain access to the Presidency again. And given the litmus-tested ideological court he has placed in power, he will probably get away with that.

When the felon-in-chief first ran for office he boasted he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and get away with murder. At the time it seemed so outrageous that most of us could not take such a statement seriously. Eight years down the road, we now know that not only could it happen, with a judicial branch of the government captured by his minions (like the judge rejected in her first attempt at confirmation now a paradigm of the failure of impartiality in delaying an open and shut case on government documents at Maro Lago), it could be done with impunity.


Image: Paramilitary Massacre Site, El Mozote, El Salvador

That’s a word I learned in Latin America where U.S. trained and armed paramilitaries wasted entire villages of people and got away with it, thus emboldening them to engage in further atrocities. But I didn’t have to go to Central America to know the concept. My juvies were telling me this years before, even as I did not want to believe what they were saying.


The SCOTUS decision immunizing a former President from clearly criminal activities offers what we would have called a case in point during my practice as a lawyer. The point was that the law applies to you if you are a person of color, poor and without access to the powers that be to hold you faultless. But if you are white, wealthy, male (ask Martha Stewart), privileged and thus powerful, you are exempt.

As my juvie clients sometimes said, “Justice means just us.”

I have kept my license with the Florida Bar all these years since I stopped practicing in 1991. I do so partly because I had to work so hard to attain it. And I do it partly in honor of my Dad who so strongly believed in me as an attorney and made it possible for me to become one. My license is inactive and I am not permitted to practice law though I could reactivate it with some intense continuing legal education.

But that isn’t going to happen. I tell people the happiest day of my life was my last day as an attorney. Not only was I temperamentally unsuited for the hypercompetitive and often cut-throat nature of the legal profession, I had lost faith in the system. And I have repeatedly found over my professional lifetime that I simply cannot work for those I do not trust or respect.

The question I wrestle with now is whether I wish to continue supporting an institution that no longer even pretends that it is anything more than a thinly veiled means of protecting the interests of the privileged and powerful or withdraw my presence completely from this once noble profession now on life support. I realize that the latter decision would have no impact on this corrupt system I revile and the $170 a year I pay in dues would not make much of an impact on my income. But, as always, in the end I have to live with myself.

Either way, I think it is important that I say something this day that is probably long overdue. My juvie clients were right about the system and my idealism regarding it was unfounded. I owe them an apology. So does our state. And this week, so does our country. But they should not hold their breath on it coming.  And I don’t need to tell them that.

Image: Monument to the Lost Boys, Dozier School, Marianna, FL

Post Scriptum: I post this on the eve of the 248th birthdate of America. Like many today, I wonder if this will be the final such celebration of this country I have known, loved and served for 70 years now. It is a thought that keeps me and many others up at night.

I know there are still good judges in America - I have actually worked for some of them - and I have several friends who remain in practice. I admire their tenacity and their devotion to their clients even as my own ability to work within the system in which they daily toil has long since withered and died. The truth is, in an era like our own, we need good lawyers and judges more than ever. To them all, I say Godspeed. And to our republic - as long as we can keep it (Franklin) – I say Happy Independence Day  !


 Harry Scott Coverston

 Orlando, Florida

 If the unexamined life is not worth living, surely an unexamined belief system, be it religious or political, is not worth holding. Most things worth considering do not come in sound bites.

Those who believe religion and politics aren't connected don't understand either. – Mahatma Gandhi

For what does G-d require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your G-d?  - Micah 6:8, Hebrew Scriptures

Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Wisdom of the Jewish Sages (1993)

   © Harry Coverston, 2024
