Thursday, August 13, 2020


I always find it fascinating what things seem to leap out at me demanding my attention. This morning I walked by a box of photos I’m scanning and sorting through. This one spoke to me.

I’m not sure where I took this or when. If it’s in paper form, it’s got to be at least six or seven years old. Everything since then is digital. I’m guessing it was taken somewhere here in Florida or perhaps during my four years out in California given the flora.

But even as the images caught my attention, the small still voice in my head softly said,

“Consider the birds of the air…. they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?... Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?”  (words attributed to Jesus of Nazareth, Matthew 6)

They Were There All Along….

As I considered this I was reminded of two powerful moments in my life. The first was the day of 9-11. It was a terrible day and I had become so distraught by the images of towers collapsing and people fleeing the unfolding disaster that I felt driven from my home into the local park along Lake Underhill. As my husband and I walked the path of the lakeshore trying to make sense of the insanity we were enduring, I suddenly noticed two things. 

First the expectable ongoing roar that is the background to life in the heart of this medium sized urban center was strikingly silent. There were no airliners approaching the international airport nine miles to our south or leer jets coming into Orlando Executive just across the lake from where we walked. Traffic along the expressway which bisects the lake was almost completely absent.

The noise that we had come to take for granted was simply missing.

The other thing that caught my attention was the singing of the birds. Their chirps were vibrant, melodious and suddenly seemed very, very loud. But even as I remarked to my husband about them, it suddenly occurred to me that these birds had been singing like this all along. We simply never noticed them. And in the back of my mind this verse from Matthew sprang to mind. “Do not worry….Are you not of more value than they?”

A Familiar Voice….

The second powerful moment came years later as I visited the basilica dedicated to St. Francis in the heart of the city which produced him and his fellow mystic, Clare. As a Franciscan, this site is as close to a Mecca in our tradition as one gets.


There in the upper chamber of the basilica was the famous 13th CE mural of Francis preaching to the birds by Giotto. It is based on one of the many legends of Francis and reflects his vision of himself as simply a part of the larger natural world, his deep respect for its creatures and his willingness to engage them on their own terms.

As I stood there I heard that familiar voice: “Consider the birds of the air…”


Expectable Questions

To say that we are enduring times of deep turbulence is a true understatement. These are the labor pangs of a new world that is coming into being. The radical changes that will accompany the birth of this new world have already begun to disrupt the world we knew even as recently as the beginning of the current year. And many more are sure to come. In such times it is quite easy to become frightened, to wonder “What shall we eat and drink, what shall we wear, where shall we go?” In times of crisis, these are expectable questions.  

This day, I cling to the words of a man who knew radical change in his own world and proved to be the source of even more change before his all-too-brief life span was over.

“Consider the birds of the air….Do not worry.”

Those words and these images do not make the fearfulness of pandemics, economic collapse and political tyranny go away. But if only for a brief second, the reminder that we are not alone, that our Creator is always present with us, as close as the very breath we breathe, is a badly needed comforting thought. And, for the moment, that is enough.




Harry Scott Coverston

Orlando, Florida

 If the unexamined life is not worth living, surely an unexamined belief system, be it religious or political, is not worth holding. Most things worth considering do not come in sound bites.

 Those who believe religion and politics aren't connected don't understand either. – Mahatma Gandhi

 For what does G-d require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your G-d?  - Micah 6:8, Hebrew Scriptures

 Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Wisdom of the Jewish Sages (1993)

  © Harry Coverston, 2020




1 comment:

Bernard Joy said...

Yes, one day I was officiating at a Eucharist at the far end of the Carceri grounds. A tiny Altar covered by a roofed and recessed stone building. The birdsong was amazing, the atmospere magical. First, before we began I asked everyone to focus on the birds and to let them inspire our praise. Then I called them back from the the relaxed and contemplative state they had fallen into, saying that now, it was their turn to pray as the birds had shown us. And yes, I was aware of something going on, as again they were transfixed on my leading of the service. We listened to the birds again before hearing the gospel. And I gave the sermon in the midst of a total silence. After ht service as we all walked away form the little altar. I came up behind those in the back. And they were in a state of awe. "Did you hear that? The birds all stoped singing, whenever Bernard began to speak?" I could only smile quietly behind them. But I can see how rumours spread so easily? I suspect that Francis also referred to the birds and their worship, inviting folk to be enraptured by it. And then looking them in the eye, began to speak to them with so deep a faith, that they were overwhelmed once again by wonder. Thanks for you input on FB.